Monday, October 22, 2007

Rodri Reviews: 30 Days of Night

Ok, so ya'll know I get a hard on for horror movies so I was hyped to see 30 Days of Night. A new take on vampire movies that I was looking forward on seeing. The movie was stylish and definitely some scare moments. Set in a town in Alaska, the vampires attack this town that sees no daylight for 30 days.

Josh Hartnett plays a sheriff in this town and struggles to survive the flesh eating vampires. Throughout the movie you don't know that days have passed until posted as day 14, day 20 and so on. I think the storyline of Josh and his wife is weak. There were many holes in the story of the vampires, where they came from, why did they attack this town, and their purpose. The ending sucked and not much suspense. I didn't think the movie was bad but it definitely was not great. It's a rental FO SHO!

Rating: Wait for DVD

Coming Soon....

Saw 4

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