Thursday, October 18, 2007

Man's Country Files Lawsuit Against Dora Lee!

Daaayum! Dora Lee caught up! Click the Red X to see the lawsuit docs. It's sad she is so heading down the Britney path. I had to tell my team read below.

Good Morning Chicklets,
Another busy day as your hopeful Queen. I will be promoting our homecoming dance tonight at my softball game. I am trying to get as many people to the dance as I can. Anyway as I was reading on my current events, I was on TMZ.COM and it looks like Mans Country has filed a lawsuit against Dora Lee. It seems that Ms Dora Lee wants to play but not pay. She owes them over $1000. Check it out! Wow, all her dirty laundry is out now. XOXOXORodri

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