Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BSD (Old Bitter Bitty)

Ok, I went to a fruit market yesterday by the house to get some grub. I had to get a cart but I see that you had to insert a quarter in order to use the cart and I had no change so I took a basket. I was walking around and saw and old sweet lady unloading her cart and ready to put it back. I went up to her and asked her "Excuse me, do you mind if I take your cart?" She then extends her hand and says "Yeah you got a quarter?" I said no, I have no change , sorry. She then said "I guess you don't have a cart either." and walked away.

Aint that some shit! I got read and told by a bitter old bitty! So I gots to Bitch Slap her ass for being unkind and unwilling! How rude!


Magda said...

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish i could've seen your face as it all went down...LMFAO

Anonymous said...

You shoulda gotten da BSD for this!Your 1st mistake was shopping at a store where u needs $.25 to get a cart & 2nd y r u bothering the ol' bitty, u know they r hard up on loot! Awhile ago you blogged about appreciating our elder.She done told you!!! LMAO--aaaahhhhhhhhhhahahahaha!!

Anonymous said...

You shoulda gotten da BSD for this!
Your 1st mistake was shopping at a store where u needs $.25 to get a cart & 2nd y r u bothering da ol' bitty, u know they r hard up on loot!Didn't u say we should all appreciate our elders. She done told you!!LMAO-aaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha