Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Book Club: Purpose Drivien Life Ch.1"It's All About God"

I was listening to the radio and my girl from Kiss FM Nina Chantell was saying that people always think she's ghetto. She said " If ya'll think I'm ghetto now, ya'll shoulda met me a few years ago but I's Changed." She claimed that she read the book "The Purpose Driven Life" and it changed her life.

I'm always up for enlightening my soul and going through spiritual growth so I wanted to read the book. I knew nothing of this book other than it helped Nina get to a better place. I told my boyfriend I wanted to read it and he had two copies of the book and said he wanted to as well.

There is a method to reading this book. You have to read one chapter a day and discuss the chapter with someone. I thought, great! This is perfect for the boo and I to discuss. I will tell you a brief summary each day of what the chapter says on the blog. Here I go:

Chapter 1 "Its All About God"

Ok, the book and I got off on the wrong start with the first sentence.

It's not about you!

What? It aint? Then who is thinking of me? What the author was saying is that we really need to focus what life is about, God. He says focusing on ourselves will never reveal God's purpose for us. Asking ourselves self centered questions like What should I do with my life? What are my goals, my ambitions, my dreams for my future? These are not the questions to ask. So he wants us to search within God our purpose of life.

He leaves us with a few points at the end of the chapter:

Point to Ponder: It's not about you

Verse to Remember: Everything got started in him and find its purpose in him.

Question to Remember: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really living for God and not myself.

I didn't realize this book was so Christian based, I thought is was one of those new age self healing books which the author rejects. I don't know how effective he is but I am willing to read this book to see what his views are. These are his views not mine. I agree with some and disagree with others. Just thought it may be food for discussion at your next dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now how u gonna talk about this, when if u scroll down you got this on Smell Yo Dick! The video!