Friday, September 07, 2007

Hot Steamy Mess!

Kiera Knightly? She took a bed sheet from the Holiday Inn and said I gots to go to my premiere! She looks dead and then with that bed sheet looking like a HOT GREEK GODMESS!

What the fuck?!?! Goldie Hawn wore this over sized potato sack and laughed as she looked in the mirror! You know bitch was high as hell when she choose that outfit!

Darryl Hannah, um let me skip the 50lbs weight gain, I am going straight to these two outfits. She looks messy as hell and pulling up yo dress while walking the red carpet, not a good thing. Her ass shoulda walked in the back door so no one noticed this mermaid that turned into a Puffer Fish.

Diane Lane looking like a fricken grandma! Home girl is married to Josh Brolin a younger man and you know he is gonna cheat on this old heffa if she doesn't young it up. That hair is a mess and Leopard? Um NOOOOOO!

Finally we can't have the hot mess list without our favorite Trashtastic singer Shitney Spears! She is such a mess that I think she is lost in MESSVILLE! But I love your new song Brit! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

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