Friday, August 24, 2007

Latina Women Are HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

They say Latina womenare hot so I had to post what represents our latina women: I bet she is like 12 with 2 kids and still trying to get Pepito to marry her!

Oooooooooh Weeeeeeeeee! She must have had an art class in jail. She did her make up perfect! I say make an American Girl Doll just like her and call her Big Suzy from Fullerton and Tripp. Make sure the doll comes with its own blade too!

I beleive this girl starred in MI VIDA LOCA, homegirl had the nerve to take a pic of herself in the mirror and blow a kiss. She should be faceing the toilet throwing up that triple whopper she ate before she took the pic.

Who said Latina Women Aren't Hot? They is fiiiiizzzzzzzzziiiiiinnne!

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