Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dance Like There's No Tomorrow Review:

My cousin just say the new Paula Abdul video and she had much to say about it. Normally I don't post negative things about my girl but you guys have to read this review.

There are so many things wrong w/ this AMERICAN TRAGEDY....where do i begin?!

What is the meaning of some random Red ribbons in the background matching Paula's Blood stained cloth?!

WHY IS RANDY...lmao...can't even finish that

How are her Dancers outshining her...shit i could've been in this shiz gettin paid i can run back and forth and flip my hair too..shit i'll win a grammy doin that shit if i was gettin PAID

WHO PICKed her of em looked like bridezilla's bridesmaid gown, the other was a cocktail waitress and DAMN WHO SET HER UP w/ that SHIT PILE ON HER head in the last DANCE SCENE...someone needs to be slapped for thinkin that was CUTE!

Was it another AMerican Idol reunion...ALL THE LOSERS posing at the end like they were making a CAMEO? First off RYAN has no business being SEEn PERIOD ur nobody!...ur TIME IS UP buddy...RANDY..LMAO..ur OLD and UGLY GIVE UP! ...The English ASSHOLE didn't want anything to do w/ PAULA I thought so why?

SHREK ABDUL Played herself...go shoot the guy in between the eyes that made this video...