Thursday, February 21, 2008

BSD (Fart in my Face)

Today's BSD is just gross!

I went to the hardware store by my job looking for telephone wire. I went in and asked where they were located. They said in the back of isle 3. So I went back there and looked at all the wires. I was looking for something 50ft or more. I was on my knees looking for the wire on the bottom shelf when an old man passed next to me and FARTED! He didnt just pass gas he FARTED LOUD with no shame in his game! I looked at the old man and said "Are you serious?" he just looked at me walked away and left that foul stench all on my face!

Whack! Bitch Slap that old man for farting in my face and not caring one bit! I swallowed that entire shit fumes and all!


1 comment:

Magda said...

LMAO!!!! You can never have a dull day....LMFAO!