Thursday, March 06, 2008

Gay in the City (Too Much Affection?)

When you're in a relationship new or old you are affectionate towards each other, or maybe you're not. I have entered new territory in terms of being in a relationship and being affectionate. I'm actually comfortable holding hands and hugging and being close next to my boyfriend which is as much surprise to me as it is to everyone else that makes jokes about it.

Recently I've been told that it may be too much. I was actually confused as to what is too much meant to each individual and what that meant for me. I also was told to maybe tone it down if I had company in my home depending on who was over.

I strongly disagreed with all of them. I don't feel that I am showing too much affection. I am showing more so than I have ever. It feels right and comfortable. I don't think that I should tone it down in my own home? Come on!

This is not a gay vs straight issue but what some of the straight friends fail to realize that they are able to walk down the street holding hands without cause of concern and as gay people we are not able to do so. I think straight people take for granted that they are able to show affection anytime or anywhere and we, as gay men, are not. So I feel that I like to take advantage and be affectionate with my loved one whenever I have the opportunity because we are limited. This isn't about wrong or right but more of an understanding from the point of view as a gay individual. This is also not a gay card I'm pulling. I just think we all need to see different points. Many of times I see many heterosexual couples holding hands, kissing, hugging, showing each other their love. We can only do all those things if we are in boystown or in our home.

I strongly refuse to tone it down in my own home regardless of who is over. Friends and family need to realize that walking into my home, you are walking into my life as a gay man and expect for my significant other to be there and to be loving towards me as any man and woman would be to each other. If that offends or bothers you, then respectfully, coming into my home may not be an option for you.

I guess that poses the questions, when is affection too much? When does it die down? Does it die down? Should it be contained for the sake of other people? All these questions is just another part of being Gay in the City.


Magda said...

You should let them know that i don't like seeing STRAIGHT MoFo's All up on eachother in PUBLIC...that's some BS! how someone have the balls to tell you to chill out in front of everyone in your OWN HOME...

WHACK BSD to the insecure ass who told you that...LET EM KNOW yo Mexican American CUZ from VA said it!

Magda said...

if there's ISSUES...