Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Want Moore?

Apparently former soap star and Mr. Halle Berry was swimming nude at a gay beach. For the unrated pics go to Perez!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Halle Berry is beautiful. I'm so jealous that she looks the way she does at 40-something and I look the way I do at 24!

Has anyone seen her in that movie Monster's Ball? That was the movie where I think she won an oscar. There is a Halle Berry sex scene in that movie with the guy from slingblade that is incredibly erotic and explicit. I saw the clip again recently on (NSFW). It's somewhere on the celebrity sex page (for some reason they keep shuffling the video clips on that page).

I'm not a lesbian, but Halle is one girl that I could experiment with for an evening.