Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oprah Moment (Serenade Me)

The definition of Serenade is as follows, Music. A complimentary performance given to honor or express love for someone.

That's what happened last night. I went out with a couple of my boys from Dodgeball to the Spot, which is our sponsor. It was karaoke night and we was drinking. I knew my boyfriend was downtown so I sent him a text to meet me there, and he did.

We were trying to find a song for my boyfriend to sing. Mean while my two boys sang "Endless Love" and I gots to say it was a little pitchy for me and he was shouting the song but they looked fabulous! I'm just saying.

My BF picked a Whitney Houston song "I Believe in You and Me" I was like, dang that's courageous but go ahead boy do yo thang!

Well not only did he get up there and SANG the song but he SANG it and looked at me the entire time. I almost teared up, it was soooooooooo sweet! He finished and brought the house down and said that was for me! AWWWWWWWWWWW!

So ya'll know I had to sing for him too! I got up there and sang FERGILICIOUS but said RODRILICIOUS instead!

Um, HELL TO THE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya'll know I am the dancer in this relationship and unless there was a studio there, I was not gonna sing live in front of his Luther Vandross self!

Anyway, it was truly one of the sweetest moments to be serenaded like that.

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