Friday, April 18, 2008

Duh Moment: EarthQuake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, ya'll know I have some Blondie moments sometimes but they usually happen when I am half asleep. Last night or this morning, I was getting my sleep on, as usual, when I kinda woke up and felt the house moving. I thought to myself, "aint no way this house is moving I must be dreaming." I still felt it moving and I thought it was the wind. I then said to myself "dang, this house is cheap as hell! How it moves with just wind, I'd hate for their to be a tornado I sho would be like a fricken gay Dorothy!"

Well, I woke up and my roomie said you heard about the earthquake here in Illinois? I was like daayum we never had an earthquake. I was driving to work and remembered I felt the house moving and I bout died! I thank god I was not fully awake with the earthquake cuz my ass woulda been hysterical running around the house screaming for Jesus to help my ass! Ya'll know I would.

Anyway that's my Duh Moment for thinking my house was cheap and not realizing it was a fucking earthquake!

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