Monday, April 28, 2008

Book Club: Purpose Driven Life Ch 3: What Drives Your Life?

In this chapter the author becomes a bit more interesting. He says we are all driven by something. Some are driven by guilt, some by resentment & anger, others by fear, many by the need for approval, and some by materialism. Warren says that there are other forces that drive us but they all lead us to the same dead end: unused potential, unnecessary stress, and an unfulfilled life. Nothing matters more than knowing God's purpose and nothing will compensate for not knowing.

According to Warren there are 5 benefits to a purpose driven life (yep only 5, not more not less.)

  1. Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life

  2. Knowing your purpose simplifies your life

  3. Knowing your purpose focuses your life

  4. Knowing your purpose motivates your life

  5. Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity

A couple points stuck out in my head:

"We are products of our past but don't have to be prisoners."

This is so true we often become prisoners of our past afraid to let go and live. Often we try to understand or figure out the questions of our past rather than learn from the results which lead us to become prisoners.

"Withour a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches, or other externals hoping the change will settle the confusion of fill the emptiness in your heart."

Another great point that many of us are still trying to clear or figure out. The many paths that we take is not necessarily a bad thing. We have to try new things in order to know what it is that we are here for. I don't think the author agrees with people often changing directions. He feels that its because we are not one with God that we do this and I don't agree.

Point to Ponder: Living on purpose is the path to peace

Verse to Remember: " You Lord, give perfect peaceto those who keep thier purpose firm and put their trust in you."

Qustion to Consider: What would my family and friends say is the driving fource of my life? What do I want it to be?

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